Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Our first attempt on the King’s Court was foiled by the duteous guards (we salute their martyrdom).
Next, we planned better, and were more careful. Several of us human-bombs sneaked into the King’s Court, incognito, and lay in wait for the opportune moment.
As we witnessed the proceedings at the King’s Court, we realized that the guys inside the King’s Court were all set to do more damage to the nation, than we could ever do.
With all the meticulous cross-border planning, all the utmost secrecy, all the unheard-of hardships, all the grueling training, all the constantly lurking insecurity; with all the ammunition worth millions; and at the cost of score of our comrades, all we could achieve was to kill a handful of innocent people once in a while.
Fellows inside the King’s Court managed the worse by their actions – and yet worse by their inaction.
Put to shame, we fell back; and reported to the Boss.
The Boss was highly pleased, and was ever so thankful to his chance accomplices inside the King’s Court.

1 comment:

  1. I read the article 'SHAME' and felt that I was looking at the reflection of presrnt naional scenario .it's really our country's misfortune that we have crroupt and inefficient political leaders(??????)I just hope that the situation will change.
