Tuesday, November 24, 2009

It happened the other day.
They stopped our bus. Made us get down, politely. ‘This way sir.’ ‘Easy, ma’am. Thank you’
They did not rob us. They were not highway robbers.
They separated us in groups. Not gender-wise. They were not sex-maniacs.
They were decent folks. Soft spoken. Well mannered. Smart. Savvy. Not noisy hooligans. They worked calmly. Corporate-like efficiency. Well defined objectives.
So, they made our groups. Ethnic groups. “Us”, this side, “they”, that side. Things were easy for people with clear cut, obvious identities. Names, costumes, symbols and stigmata on their person. Fine.
The ambiguous were searched thoroughly. Inspected, palpated meticulously. In open, in broad day light. Overt dealings. Those who loved dear life were only too willing to cooperate.
The segregation was complete. Business like. Corporate efficiency. Zero error. Great.
Next, with the same cool corporate efficiency they shoot the “they” group. And walk away as quietly as they came. No fuss. No noisy commotion. No slogan shouting. Clean job. Victims too, too stunned to utter a cry.
They leave, and the death scene comes to life.
Survivors, all of them “us”, thank "our" Almighty, and walk into the bus. Noiselessly. Mute shadows moving like ghosts.
I lingered outside. There, in the gory pile of flesh, i noticed a movement. A moan. Some survivor?. Perhaps “he”?
I knew him. Rather, a close friend. Actually an inadvertent victim. The killers were not to be blamed. It was “his” own fault. Didn’t answer them. Didn’cooperate them... Anyway, now too late to analyze.
Yes, it was he. Bleeding heavily. Gasping.
‘Why did you do this, my friend? Why did you lose your life?..They, the killers were “our” people. You could have easily saved your life! Why didn’t you reveal your identity, dear?’
Struggling for breath, barely audible, he answered- ‘All throughout my life, i denied all discrimination. I am of course religious..but to capitalize on religious or ethnic identity.. even for saving my own life..i feel, it’s blasphemy. Cooperating bigots..even for survival..is joining them..No, let me speak out… rarely, if ever, in a lifetime comes a moment..that puts to test how well you stand up..for your principles, your values..i think, i stood the test fairly well.. eh? No regrets!’
He died. i boarded the bus.
A lively debate was going on in the bus. On politics. On religion. On culture. On history. And terrorism. And tolerance.
Suddenly all of us remember that our bus driver was last seen lined up in the "they" group. Shit!

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